Accelerating & Revolutionizing Technology
Development & Commercialization
ODIN’s platform technology provides a strategy to lock molecules into bioactive form, thereby increasing specificity toward targeted organism, overcoming resistance, reducing human side effects, reducing environmental impact, and providing strong patent protection.
There are many factors that affect the lifespan of a CropScience product; pests and diseases can quickly become resistant to treatments, non-specific activity can negatively impact beneficial organisms, and restriction of use (or an outright global ban) can be issued due to the presence of human side effects. Equally, the loss of patent rights also works to reduce its lifespan. But, most importantly, innovation doesn’t stop and there’s always a competitive product lurking around the corner.
However, these and other factors that lead to a product’s decline can quickly be overcome at the molecular level given the right technology platform!
ODIN Industries is a molecular engineering company specializing in cyclic compound R&D, technology assessment, new product pipeline development, and manufacturing. The company’s proprietary technology for the synthesis of cyclic, bicyclic, polycyclic and macrocyclic compounds provides companies with a strategy and a platform to put molecules into active form via efficient and scalable ring-forming reactions: Cyclization, a strategy used by organisms to enhance the potency of linear molecules by conformational preorganization, gives the producing organism an advantage by:
1) increasing the molecules affinity for the target,
2) increasing bio-availability,
3) increasing bio-retention, and most importantly
4) increasing specificity for the desired target (thus deceasing of side effects).
Furthermore, because even subtle changes to the cyclic structure can have dramatic biological effect, this scaffold is ideal for the development of novel analogs which may be developed to optimize performance or to replace active ingredients as organisms develop resistance.
Macrocycles, a subclass of cyclic compounds, are particularly noteworthy because in addition to targeting small-molecule active sites, they have recently been shown to interrupt protein-protein interactions and could lead efforts to target millions of new biological targets. These targets are vital to developing individualized management for some of the most difficult pests and diseases, and have typically been out of reach of the Crop Science industry. And despite the fact that these cyclic derivatives generally fall outside of the scope of medicinal chemistry’s accepted “drugability” guidelines (aka Lipinski’s Rules), most macrocyclic leads are found to exhibit enhanced pharmacodynamics when compared to their linear precursors.
ODIN's technology is unique, proprietary and can be used in all phases of research, development and manufacturing. It is also a general method that can be used to enhance the performance of virtually ALL molecules; from small linear molecules to protein-based ingredients.
ODIN Industries platform technology can be used to:
1) scale-up and manufacture existing natural and synthetic cyclic
2) cyclize linear leads to improve pharmacodynamics,
3) extend patent life,
4) transform protein-based leads into small-molecule leads, thus
dramatically reducing manufacturing costs, and
5) develop new, first-in-class leads for virtually every application.
The bottom line is this – ODIN’s proprietary technology goes far beyond current synthetic and manufacturing limitations, giving companies the ability to exploit vast, undeveloped chemical space, establish strong patent protection, and deliver big margins on molecules that heretofore have had small or no profit margins. Best of all, ODIN’s technology can be quickly integrated into existing facilities without the need for additional infrastructure or a new brain trust.
This content of this website was prepared by the management and advisors of ODIN Industries, LLC and reflects the subjective views and opinions of the management and advisors. It is based in part on the management’s perception and interpretation of factors, which affect the Company’s business, and in part on the management’s forecasts and projections of future conditions.
Copyright 2019 ODIN Industries. All rights reserved.